1.) I don't think spyware or cookies should be banned, because I think they can be very useful to do things like monitor the types and location of people that visit your webpage or the number of hits your webpage gets. However, I think people shuold be aware of what cookies or spyware is going on, and be able to opt out of it if they want.
2.) Well, I think law enforcement agencies should be reponsible for putting an end to phishing. Well, he can check to see its legitamacy and instead of providing the information through email he could log on to the website and check there to really see if he needs to update his information or whatever. Well, better awareness on how to avoid phishing and better methods of stopping it. Probably consumers more so than companies, since theyre the ones opening the emails and answering the questionss. 3.) No, it wouldn't do much good to create new laws to punish those who spread viruses and worms. Our prisons are crowded enough, and it would be wasting huge amounts of effort to track the hackers who are sending out viruses and worms. I think yes, if they are punished it should be related to the damage they do?